Paket Manager
Paket Manager simplifies use of paket from within Visual Studio
Simplifies use of paket from within Visual Studio. Access commands via toolbar or Extensions menu. Features include:
- Downloading and/or initializing paket
- Restoring packages when solution loads and/or when paket.lock changes
- Adding a package
- Removing a package
- Updating packages
- Paket install
- Enabling auto-restore
- Disabling auto-restore
- Converting from NuGet packages.config (careful consideration recommended)
- Checking out and adding files to P4
- Custom P4 file filters
- Simplify package references
- Listing outdated packages
- Asking paket why a package is being used
- Showing installed packages
Configuration and operations can be accessed via menus or toolbar:
Automatic Download of Paket
If paket.exe is not found in the solution root's .paket\ folder, this extension will offer to download it and place it there.
Automatic Initialization of Paket
If paket.dependencies is not found in the solution's folder, this extension will offer to run paket init.
Automatic Restore Options
When a solution is loaded, this extension can automatically run or prompt to run paket restore.
When paket.lock changes, this extension can automatically run or prompt to run paket restore.
Tool Window
The Paket Manager tool window shows output from paket, in progress operations, and errors.